The MEDI-BOOK dashboard provides an overview of the entries in the system along with quick access links to the latest 5 entries for each type.
Information available includes
- Latest accidents
- Latest illnesses
- Medication due to be issued today
- Latest medication issues
- Medication low stock levels
Dashboard Statistics
Statistics are displayed on the dashboard screen for the key areas. The values are displayed based on a date range which can be configured to all records or a specific range.
Dashboard Panels
The dashboard panels provide quick access to the latest entries available in the system. They give the users concise overview via a user friendly display.
Quick overview of the latest accidents reports which are in the system.
Information displayed includes students name, registration group, date time occurred and the type of accident.
Each option is a clickable link to display further information.
Quick overview of the latest accidents reports which have been viewed and signed by parents
Information displayed includes students name, registration group, who and when the report was signed.
Each option is a clickable link to display further information.
Quick overview of the latest illnesses which are in the system.
Information displayed includes students name, registration group, date time occurred and the type of illness.
Each option is a clickable link to display further information.
List of the medication items which are duet to be issued today.
Information displayed includes students name, registration group, medication item and the time it is to be issued.
Each option is a clickable link to direct the user to the issue medication form.
List of the medication items which have been issued to students.
Information includes students name, registration group, medication item and the time issued.
Each option is a clickable link to display further information.
List of the medication items which have less than 5 dosages available.
Information includes students name, registration group, medication item, serial number and the remaining dosages available.
Each option is a clickable link to display a notification window to sent a custom reminder to the parents requesting further product.
Bubbles include an overview of the problematic locations or students with records in the system. Provides a quick overview of any potential environment issues or safeguarding concerns.
Information includes persons name, registration group, person type and the number of accidents.
Location entries include the location name and number of entries.